This is a paper airplane that flaps its wings in flight. Although it is not the farthest or the longest or the fastest, it is the most distinctive one. It flaps its wings constantly during flight. As you can see in the picture below. Finished it dose not very difficult, but besides keeping it V-shaped when you fly, you need to constantly test flight to sum up your experience. Let’s get started.
Step 1:Start with a regular piece of rectangle A4 paper.Fold the left edge to coincide with the right edge.
Step 2:Fold the right edge of the upper layer to coincide with the left edge.Then turn over.
Step 3:Repeat step 2.Then rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Step 4:Fold the bottom-left corner of the upper layer up along the dotted line.Then turn over.
Step 5:Fold the bottom-right corner of the upper layer up along the dotted line.
Step 6:Fold the left edge of the upper layer to coincide with the bottom edge.Then turn over.
Step 7:Fold the right edge of the upper layer to coincide with the bottom edge.
Step 8:Open the upper layer down along the bottom edge.Then rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Step 9: Fold the top corner to the center point of the bottom edge.
Step 10:Fold the top two corners down to the top two corners of the triangle you see.
Step 11:Fold up the triangle you see along the dotted line.Then turn over.
Step 12:Fold the top corner down along the dotted line.
Step 13:Fold the right part to the left part along the center line.
Step 14:Make the airplane wings. Fold the left corner of the top layer to the right along the dotted line. then turn over.
Step 15:Repeat the step 14 to make another wing.
Step 16:Tidy up the model to make it look like the following.
Step 17:Now we need to learn how to fly this flapping paper airplane.Before taking off, you should put it into a V-shape.Hold the front end of the paper plane up a little and throw it out as hard as you can.