Origami vulture instruction and diagram


Learn how to make an origami vulture. A particular characteristic of many vultures is a bald head, devoid of normal feathers. Origami vultures skillfully fold their heads in different colors from their bodies. I recommend using a paper which have different colors on each side.follow the following origami instruction and you can easily make a paper ostrich. Let’s get started.

  1. Start with bird base,colored side out.Fold the top corner of the upper layer to the bottom corner.Then turn over.
  2. Carefully reverse the paper on one wing,making it white.This will partially cover the central triangle.
  3. Make creases by folding the bottom corners up along the dotted.
  4. Make inside reverse fold on the dotted line made in step 3.
  5. Fold both the left and the right edges to the center line.
  6. Fold in half.
  7. Crimp to from the feet.Make a inside reverse fold on the line(a),then make a outside reverse fold on the line(b).
  8. Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  9. Repeat step 7 to step 8 on the other side.
  10. Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  11. Make a outside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  12. Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  13. Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  14. Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
  15. Make a outside reverse fold on the dotted line to make the tail of the vulture.
  16. The origami vulture is done.

Step 1

: Start with bird base,colored side out.Fold the top corner of the upper layer to the bottom corner.Then turn over.
origami-vulture-Step 1
origami-vulture-Step 1-2

Step 2

: Carefully reverse the paper on one wing,making it white.This will partially cover the central triangle.
origami-vulture-Step 2
origami-vulture-Step 2-2
origami-vulture-Step 2-3
origami-vulture-Step 2-4

Step 3

: Make creases by folding the bottom corners up along the dotted.
origami-vulture-Step 3
origami-vulture-Step 3-2

Step 4

: Make inside reverse fold on the dotted line made in step 3.
origami-vulture-Step 4

Step 5

: Fold both the left and the right edges to the center line.
origami-vulture-Step 5

Step 6

: Fold in half.
origami-vulture-Step 6

Step 7

: Crimp to from the feet.Make a inside reverse fold on the line(a),then make a outside reverse fold on the line(b).
origami-vulture-Step 7

Step 8

: Make a inside reverse fold on the dotted line.
origami-vulture-Step 8
origami-vulture-Step 8-2

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