how to make an origami bird easy-a paper bird

Easy Origami Bird
step by step with the following Origami bird Instructions,It’s very simple. You need to prepare a pair of scissors.

How to make origami birds easy. Usually winged birds are not easy, but this origami bird is easy to finish. You need to prepare a pair of scissors in advance, follow the instructions step by step, and you will get a paper bird of your own.

This can train kid’s hands-on ability. Let’s start now.

Step 1

: Starting with a square piece of paper, Fold the top corner of the paper to the bottom corner to form a triangle.Then unfold.
easy-origami-bird-Step 1
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easy-origami-bird-Step 1-3

Step 2

: Fold the left corner of the paper to the right corner to form a triangle.Then unfold.
easy-origami-bird-Step 2
easy-origami-bird-Step 2-2

Step 3

: Fold the paper in half, top to bottom, then unfold.
easy-origami-bird-Step 3
easy-origami-bird-Step 3-2

Step 4

:Fold the upper left corner to the center of the paper with the green dotted line as the center line. Fold the lower left corner the same way.
easy-origami-bird-Step 4
easy-origami-bird-Step 4-2

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