How to make an easy origami crane


how to make a origami crane bird easy step by step.The origami crane is a very classic and popular origami. The first work most origami enthusiasts learn is the origami crane. Although it is not easy for beginners, according to the following tutorial, you will easily complete it.

Step 1

: Fold the top corner to the bottom corner.
origami-crane-Step 1

Step 2

: Make a crease by folding the left corner to the right corner,then unfold.
origami-crane-Step 2
origami-crane-Step 2-2

Step 3

: Open the upper layer of the left part and fold the left corner to the bottom corner,then flatten.End turn over.
origami-crane-Step 3
origami-crane-Step 3-2
origami-crane-Step 3-3

Step 4

: Open the upper layer of the left part and fold the left corner to the bottom corner,then flatten.
origami-crane-Step 4
origami-crane-Step 4-2
origami-crane-Step 4-3

Step 5

: Fold both left and right edges to the center line.
origami-crane-Step 5

Step 6

: Fold the top corner down along the edge of the upper layer.Then unfold as shown below.
origami-crane-Step 6
origami-crane-Step 6-2

Step 7

: Fold the bottom corner up along the crease made in step 6.
origami-crane-Step 7

Step 8

: Fatten along the dotted line.Then turn over.
origami-crane-Step 8
origami-crane-Step 8-2

Step 9

: Make creases by folding both left and right edges to the center line.
origami-crane-Step 9

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