How to fold a origami 4 pointed star


Learn how to make an easy origami 4 pointed star.This four-pointed origami is not difficult to fold. The origami tutorial has done detailed steps and you can easily complete it. It only has one color, because it is done just with one piece of paper. Origami 4 pointed ninja star has two colors. Although two pieces of origami must be used, their final shape is exactly the same.

Step 1: Start with square paper.Make creases by folding one corner to the opposite corner,then unfold.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 1

Step 2: Make creases with place the paper into three equal parts as shown below.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 2

Step 3: Make creases along the dotted lines as shown below.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 3

Step 4: Fold the left edge to the right along the crease has made.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 4

Step 5: Fold along the dotted lines.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 5

Step 6: Fold the upper edge down along the dotted line and flatten.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 6

Step 7: Open the upper layer along the arrow.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 7

Step 8: Fold the triangle up as shown below.

origami-4-pointed-star-Step 8

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