How to fold an origami gift box with one piece of paper

Learn how to make an origami gift box with one piece of paper.This is a square origami box with lid. It takes only a square piece of paper to make it. You could finished it just need to follow the instructions step by step. This box is very small and lovely.let us start.


Step 1. Make creases by folding edge to the opposite edge,then unfold.

origami-gift-box-Step 1

Step 2. Fold all corners to the center point.

origami-gift-box-Step 2

Step 3. Make a crease that divide the model into three equal parts in the horizontal direction.

origami-gift-box-Step 3

Step 4. Make a crease that divide the model into three equal parts in the vertical direction.

origami-gift-box-Step 4

Step 5. Unfold.

origami-gift-box-Step 5

Step 6. Lift the top and bottom part to make they stand up at the creases like in the picture.

origami-gift-box-Step 6

Step 7. Make a mountain folding at the red dotted line and make valley foldings at the black dotted line.Move point(a1) meet to the point (a2) and lift the right part to make they stand up at the dotted line like in the picture.

origami-gift-box-Step 7

Step 8. Fold the bottom part as step 7.

origami-gift-box-Step 8

Step 9. Fold the line(b1) meet to the line(b2)and move the point(a1) to the point(a2).

origami-gift-box-Step 9

Step 10. Fold the left part as step 7 to step 8.

origami-gift-box-Step 10

Step 11. Fold the left part down to form the lid for the box.

origami-gift-box-Step 11

Step 12. The origami box with lid is done.

origami-gift-box-Step 12

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